Natures Stress Relievers

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Since the dawn of time, coloured gemstones, the miracles of nature, have never failed to mesmerize people be it for their spiritual properties, mysterious aura or rare existence. Jewellery created with coloured gemstones never goes out of fashion. After all mother earth provides us with unique gemstones. Our  products are designed and made by us, we work with only natural stones and pearls. Africa is enriched with minerals hence we mine, cut and polish and finally set them in gold and silver.

Given that we take the vast majority of our stones from source to sale, we can guarantee the information about their origin, quality and value is true. This unique quality distinguishes us from many other gemstone businesses and is important to our clients. For those solemn about investing, it is essential to have trusted suppliers.

The company’s achievement is due to its authentic passion for beautiful gemstones and the perfect craftsmanship involved in finishing them. We go beyond Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat!

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Amethyst Chips Bracelet

Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace. Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that can promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment

Amethyst is beneficial when dealing with legal problems and money issues as it helps decision making process. It also induces you to be more relaxed and calm. Its the best worry stone for one, Acts like a natural tranquil ! Amethyst helps in sleep related matters, best to place in under the pillow.

Amethyst is an excellent stone for spirituality encouraging love for the divine. It mainly used for the third eye and crown chakra  making it an excellent tool for meditation, especially for those who fall asleep while meditating. Amethyst also enhances memory and improves motivation.

Amethyst also protects against psychic attacks, especially during spiritual work. Amethyst is not only a psychic protection stone, but is also used to protect one from thieves. It is best known to cause a sobering effect preventing one from drunkenness. It also used to assist in getting rid of all types addictions and destructive compulsive behaviors’ of all kinds.

Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past. It also is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength overcoming all kind of fears. This stability and strength not only helps one hold firm in one’s life, but it can enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength.

Aventurine Chips Bracelet

Aventurine is said to benefit one in all areas of creativity, and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. It enhances prosperity and brings career success. It is a gentle stone, that energetically gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness. It also helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations, giving a positive outlook, courage and inner strength. It is also said to bring luck, especially in games of chance.

Green aventurine is also a mystical stone of prosperity. Aventurine brings friendship to one’s life. It is also a stone of protection . Folklore and metaphysical lore say that physically it is beneficial for blood, circulatory system, balancing blood pressure, sinus problems, nausea, headaches, general health, allergies, eczema, fever, and sleep disorders. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.

Aventurine is associated with the heart chakra. Different colours of Aventurine such as blue, peach or red, have additional properties and relate to various chakras according to colour.

Garnet Chips Bracelet

Garnet cleanses and re-energises the chakras. It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope. Stimulates past-life recall. Sharpens perceptions of oneself and others. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos. It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence.

Garnet regenerates the body and stimulates the metabolism. It treats disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition. Purifies the heart, lungs, blood and regenerates DNA. Garnet boosts the immune system and energy levels. It used for the root chakra.

A stone of commitment, Red Garnet represents love. It revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship. Red Garnet controls anger, especially toward the self. It is said to increase ones sex appeal.

Lepidolite Polished Tumble

A “stone of transition”, Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganization of old behavioral and psychological patterns, gently inducing change. It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good. It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect. It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. Lepidolite facilitates astral travel and accesses the Akashic Record. It helps to take you forward into the future, tuning you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating a blockage in your life now.

Lepidolite aids in overcoming any kind of emotional or mental dependency, supporting in the release of addictions and complaints of all kinds, including anorexia. It encourages independence and self love and trust. Lepidolite combines its power of objectivity with direction and unimpeded communication, focusing on what is important and making it an excellent stone for business pursuits.

Lepidolite clears electromagnetic pollution. Strengthens the immune system, soothes the nervous system and can be used to restructure DNA. Lepidolite relieves exhaustion and aids in the relief of tension and related disorders. It can relieve allergies and greatly help with epilepsy and Alzheimer’s. It numbs sciatica and neuralgia, and overcomes joint problems. Lepidolite stabilizes mood swings and is excellent for the menopause. It treats illnesses caused by “sick-building syndrome” or computer stress. Excellent for bipolar disorders.

Carnelian Pendant

Like the unexpected fire of a sunset, or the first flash of autumn brilliance, Carnelian captivates. Its bold energy brings a rush of warmth and joy that lingers, stimulating and empowering. Known as a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage, Carnelians have protected and inspired throughout history.

A glassy, translucent stone, Carnelian is an orange-colour variety of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. Its colour varies from pale pinkish-orange to a deep rusty brown, though it is most known for its brilliant orange and red-orange crystals. Its name comes from a Latin word meaning “flesh.”

In antiquity, as well as today, Carnelian is believed to help timid speakers become both eloquent and bold.Ancient Warriors wore Carnelian around their neck for courage and physical power to conquer their enemies. In Egypt it was worn by master architects to show their rank of builder, and alchemists of the Middle Ages used it as a boiling stone to activate the energy of other Chalcedonies. As the first stone in the breastplate of the High Priest, it signified the blood of the martyrs and was once believed to prevent illness and the Plague.

The ancient Egyptians called Carnelian “the setting sun.” In its orange hues, they identified it with the receptive or passive female energies, and associated it with the fertile menstrual blood of the mother goddess, Isis. In its red, red-orange to reddish brown shades, they considered it the active male energy stone, recognized by its glowing vibrant colour. Carnelian is traditionally worn to enhance passion, love, and desire.
Orange stones, especially the carnelians, are excellent aids for training, coordination of physical exercise programs, and for balancing body energy levels. Carnelians boost a listless attitude and can stimulate the appetite.

Used as a professional support crystal, Carnelian aids architects, builders and construction workers in their creation of master buildings, stimulates power and stamina in athletes and military personnel, establishes form and organization in journalists, and stimulates motivation in salespersons.

Carnelian is said to attract prosperity, new resources and good luck. It is a talisman for success in any money-making venture. In the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition, drive and determination, and wards off undue pressures of co-workers or impersonal corporations with unrealistic expectations.

Carnelian clarifies the voice. It is the Singer’s Stone. It also promotes confidence for performances on stage or in live media.

Carnelian is traditionally known to guard against falling masonry and accidents with tools. Today it guards the home from theft, fire, storm or accident.

Carnelian lends the courage needed to help overcome difficulties and defend a cause. It promotes idealism, a sense of community and pragmatism.

Orange and red Carnelian are important crystals to use for love, and for the consummation of love. Orange crystals, in particular, are fertility and potency symbols and are linked with conceiving a child. Carnelian of either colour may help in rekindling passions that might have faded in an otherwise loving relationship.

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Fire Agate Pendant

Throughout history, Fire Agate has been utilized for its believed alchemical properties and its association with fire deities. Fire Agate was believed to contain the essence of fire, and was used to encourage timid adults and shy children to speak up and not be ignored or bullied.

It is a stone of integrity, encouraging high standards of behavior in self and others, and promotes passion in love and in life. Its use in alchemy and association with fire deities has given it a rich history and cultural significance.

Fire Agate is a gemstone that is believed to provide stability and balance in times of emotional upheaval. This stone is thought to represent the life force within us and helps ward off negative energies while promoting physical and mental health.

Its calming and grounding energy brings security and trust, offering support during difficult times. Fire Agate also provides the motivation required to overcome harmful addictions, lending courage and confidence, while preventing the exhaustion that often accompanies such changes.

By using Fire Agate, blockages can be resolved, and the chakras can be re-balanced, leading to physical strength, stamina, independence, and spontaneous leadership. It also helps in regulating our interaction with the external world, controlling what we embrace and what we resist, and resolve emotional blockages.

Crystal Geodes Clusters

Geodes are a special kind of treasure. On the outside, they appear just like typical rocks. But living within the geode’s exterior is an internal cavity full of magical minerals and crystals. The outer shell of a geode is incredibly durable and resistant to natural weathering, easily protecting its inside crystals from destruction. Usually these structures are igneous and sedimentary rocks; lined with gray and white agate as well as a variety of quartz, calcite, and agate crystals. These crystals can include amethyst, clear quartz, and citrine among others.

Geodes come in all sizes; from incredibly tiny – at barely an inch – to several feet long. Some of the largest geodes ever discovered have measured over 25 feet in length. The word geode comes from the Greek word meaning “shape of the Earth” and geodes are usually round like the planet and a bit oblong.

Geodes hold within them different crystal varieties. As a result, they carry the healing and magical properties of these crystals. Some say crystals within geodes are extra powerful energetically because they exist within the protective, grounded structure of a rock.

Amethyst geodes are ideal for meditation and clear thinking; moving past addictive tendencies and negative habits. Clear Quartz geodes are natural amplifiers; boosting the vibration of any other surrounding crystals. Agate geodes will help with emotional balance and regulating mood shifts, especially when working towards important life goals. Citrine geodes will increase self-confidence and one’s ability to drawn in prosperity and abundance.    

Due to their particular shape and hollow, womb-like center, geodes of all types are great symbols of fertility and creativity. Keeping a geode in your workspace can facilitate inspiration and increase creative thinking.

Overall, geodes are supportive for anyone on a personal awakening journey, as they are naturally grounding and spiritually expansive. They facilitate a deep connection to one’s inner voice and higher self. Like all crystals, geodes are also a great reminder of the passage of time. As each geode can take thousands or even millions of years to form, meditating with a geode can be a necessary perspective shifter; releasing some of our day-to-day worries and reminding us that all is temporary and impermanent.

Fresh Water Pearl Necklace

Pearls are born into this world rather than simply found. What’s even more remarkable is the fact that they are found in the deep blue depths of the ocean. As the tides are pulled by the moon, this infuses these sweet little gemstones with all the power and grace of divine feminine energy. They are connected to nature and wisdom and new beginnings and they invite us symbolically to do a deep dive into our own inner oceans and discover the treasures that shimmer beneath the surface.

Pearls have long been a source of pure fascination. Silky and glistening with many shades, these precious gems seem to carry a one-of-a-kind energy. Often tagged as being gifts of grace and glamor, pearls also carry a luminous water energy and a sense of harmony as they are created in synergy with other living creatures (marine pearl oysters and freshwater mussels). After doing a deep dive into the divine delights of the pearl, there is so much to be celebrated about this moonlike orb of magic.

Pearls are a gemstone of inner wisdom. They have huge healing energy and as they carry the lucid movement of water within them, they are all about inviting you to find your own balance and flow.

Just like all precious gemstones and crystals out there, pearls come cloaked in their own healing energy too. They are known as an introspective gem, which means they guide us back into ourselves and show us our own sense of sublime wisdom. Yet, the luminous pearl doesn’t stop there. This pretty orb is brimming with benefits for the body, mind, and soul.

The pearl is all about balance and it reflects this in the harmony it brings to the body. For those who feel physically off kilter, this wonderful gem will bring you back into strong stature. Pearls are excellent for lung issues, they help reduce the effects of asthma and bronchitis, and they heal all your essential organs like the heart, liver, and kidney. They have a sedative effect on the body too, meaning that you get a good night shuteye, calm overactive adrenal glands, and let go of hypertension and headaches. They are also said to be beneficial for pregnant women and new mothers thanks to all their fabulous feminine energy.

With such an emphasis on balance and wisdom, it’s no surprise that the pearl connects deeply with the third eye chakra. The third eye chakra is the gateway to our inner well of knowledge. It awakens our intuition, helps us find clarity, and illuminates darkened corners so we can see ourselves fully and with fine-tuned understanding. Pearls also help protect us as they are exceptional at absorbing negative energy and keeping our auras pure and clear.

Fresh Water Pearl Necklace

Pearls are born into this world rather than simply found. What’s even more remarkable is the fact that they are found in the deep blue depths of the ocean. As the tides are pulled by the moon, this infuses these sweet little gemstones with all the power and grace of divine feminine energy. They are connected to nature and wisdom and new beginnings and they invite us symbolically to do a deep dive into our own inner oceans and discover the treasures that shimmer beneath the surface.

Pearls have long been a source of pure fascination. Silky and glistening with many shades, these precious gems seem to carry a one-of-a-kind energy. Often tagged as being gifts of grace and glamor, pearls also carry a luminous water energy and a sense of harmony as they are created in synergy with other living creatures (marine pearl oysters and freshwater mussels). After doing a deep dive into the divine delights of the pearl, there is so much to be celebrated about this moonlike orb of magic.

Pearls are a gemstone of inner wisdom. They have huge healing energy and as they carry the lucid movement of water within them, they are all about inviting you to find your own balance and flow.

Just like all precious gemstones and crystals out there, pearls come cloaked in their own healing energy too. They are known as an introspective gem, which means they guide us back into ourselves and show us our own sense of sublime wisdom. Yet, the luminous pearl doesn’t stop there. This pretty orb is brimming with benefits for the body, mind, and soul.

The pearl is all about balance and it reflects this in the harmony it brings to the body. For those who feel physically off kilter, this wonderful gem will bring you back into strong stature. Pearls are excellent for lung issues, they help reduce the effects of asthma and bronchitis, and they heal all your essential organs like the heart, liver, and kidney. They have a sedative effect on the body too, meaning that you get a good night shuteye, calm overactive adrenal glands, and let go of hypertension and headaches. They are also said to be beneficial for pregnant women and new mothers thanks to all their fabulous feminine energy.

With such an emphasis on balance and wisdom, it’s no surprise that the pearl connects deeply with the third eye chakra. The third eye chakra is the gateway to our inner well of knowledge. It awakens our intuition, helps us find clarity, and illuminates darkened corners so we can see ourselves fully and with fine-tuned understanding. Pearls also help protect us as they are exceptional at absorbing negative energy and keeping our auras pure and clear.

Fresh Water Pearl Necklace

Pearls are born into this world rather than simply found. What’s even more remarkable is the fact that they are found in the deep blue depths of the ocean. As the tides are pulled by the moon, this infuses these sweet little gemstones with all the power and grace of divine feminine energy. They are connected to nature and wisdom and new beginnings and they invite us symbolically to do a deep dive into our own inner oceans and discover the treasures that shimmer beneath the surface.

Pearls have long been a source of pure fascination. Silky and glistening with many shades, these precious gems seem to carry a one-of-a-kind energy. Often tagged as being gifts of grace and glamor, pearls also carry a luminous water energy and a sense of harmony as they are created in synergy with other living creatures (marine pearl oysters and freshwater mussels). After doing a deep dive into the divine delights of the pearl, there is so much to be celebrated about this moonlike orb of magic.

Pearls are a gemstone of inner wisdom. They have huge healing energy and as they carry the lucid movement of water within them, they are all about inviting you to find your own balance and flow.

Just like all precious gemstones and crystals out there, pearls come cloaked in their own healing energy too. They are known as an introspective gem, which means they guide us back into ourselves and show us our own sense of sublime wisdom. Yet, the luminous pearl doesn’t stop there. This pretty orb is brimming with benefits for the body, mind, and soul.

The pearl is all about balance and it reflects this in the harmony it brings to the body. For those who feel physically off kilter, this wonderful gem will bring you back into strong stature. Pearls are excellent for lung issues, they help reduce the effects of asthma and bronchitis, and they heal all your essential organs like the heart, liver, and kidney. They have a sedative effect on the body too, meaning that you get a good night shuteye, calm overactive adrenal glands, and let go of hypertension and headaches. They are also said to be beneficial for pregnant women and new mothers thanks to all their fabulous feminine energy.

With such an emphasis on balance and wisdom, it’s no surprise that the pearl connects deeply with the third eye chakra. The third eye chakra is the gateway to our inner well of knowledge. It awakens our intuition, helps us find clarity, and illuminates darkened corners so we can see ourselves fully and with fine-tuned understanding. Pearls also help protect us as they are exceptional at absorbing negative energy and keeping our auras pure and clear.

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