Rare Crystals

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Aragonite Raw Crystal

Aragonite’s connection to nature runs deep. For those who have been floating in spiritual space too long or for those who have lost their connection with the world beneath their feet, this stone pulls you upright and keeps you steady and stable no matter what. Only when we are connected to the here and now and able to withstand the winds of change can we show up for ourselves and others and thrive to our fullest potential.

For those who feel like their mental health and hormones are all over the place, Aragonite could be the tonic to bring you into balance. It’s awesome for melting away emotional fatigue and supercharged anger that is lingering in the body. When we get rid of those lingering stress factors, we find that our body follows suit. Suddenly, we can sleep better, tension headaches ease, and our muscles don’t feel so tightly wound and bound.

It’s also a vibrant nurturing stone that can bring warmth to extremities – perfect for those who always feel locked down in the cold. By rousing those root chakras, it builds on energy, vitality, and encourages the body to heal quicker. Aragonite is said to be a delight for helping the body deal with nerve damage, broken bones, and any ailment that is disrupting your natural flow and harmony.

As a hugely stabilizing stone, it’s no surprise to hear that Aragonite is all about the root chakra. The root chakra is our foundation and one of our most important energy points. Without a clear and solid root chakra, all our energy becomes off-balance. Aragonite has that balance between earthly resonance and spirit seeking. It encourages journeys beyond the every day by making sure that we stay grounded even when flying high. It can be tempting to leap with both feet when ascending but Aragonite reminds us that keeping a physical and spiritual connection to the earth is essential. We must honor our roots, center our spirit, and silence our mind so that our understanding of person and pasture goes even deeper.

Aragonite is also believed by many to be connected to the enigmatic earth star chakra. This special chakra is said to be located not on the physical body but deep beneath our feet. It’s an energetic earth chakra that anchors our whole system. It also helps channel positive energy from the earth and encourages excess energy to seep away.


Blue Kyanite Raw Blade Crystals

Blue Kyanite is a high vibration stone. It effortlessly clears and aligns all the chakras. Blue kyanite never holds any negative energy; as is does not require to be cleansed. Kyanite comes in blue, black, orange and green. Any colour of Kyanite will benefit the ongoing healing of the body and aid the development of spiritual and psychic gifts.

Blue Kyanite encourages speaking one’s truth, cutting through fears and blockages. Blue Kyanite is very good for the throat chakra, encouraging self expression and communication. Blue Kyanite slices through confusion, illusion, anger, frustration and stress. It increases the ability for logical and linear thought stimulating the higher mind. Blue Kyanite assists in detaching from the idea of blind fate.

Blue Kyanite calms the mind and allows you to go deep into a restful and relaxing state required for a totally relaxed meditative experience. This stone is definitely a stone to facilitate meditation. By clearing the meridians and pathways it will restore the flow of energy to the chakras. Its energy is gentle and balanced as it takes you easily to the higher spiritual realms. In meditation it has the potential to open the third eye which will promote telepathy, aid you to develop your intuition, clairvoyant gifts and other psychic abilities.

Kyanite treats muscular disorders, fevers, and the urogenital system, thyroid and parathyroid, adrenal glands, throat and brain. It is like a natural pain reliever, it lower blood pressure and heals infections. It strengthens the voice, useful for performers and public speakers

Iolite Raw Crystal

Iolite is a vision stone. It clears thought forms, opening intuition. It aids in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction. Iolite helps you to express your true self, free from the expectations of others. Iolite releases discord within relationships.

It encourages taking responsibility for yourself, overcoming co-dependency within your partnership. Iolite is extremely beneficial for debt elimination, or making one more financially responsible.

Iolite creates a strong constitution, ridding the body of fatty deposits. It diminishes the effect of alcohol and supports detoxification and regeneration of the liver. Iolite treats malaria and fevers, and kills bacteria. Iolite aids the pituitary, sinuses and respiratory system. It alleviates migraines.

Pieterstite Raw Crystal

Pietersite stimulates the third eye. It strengthens intuition and links into a very level of guidance. Pietersite is said to remove beliefs and conditioning imposed by other people. It helps your inner guidance to recognize the truth. It removes stubborn blockages and clears confusion.

Pietersite helps in balancing the endocrine system, blood pressure, growth and production of hormones. It helps the lungs, intestines, feet and legs. This stone helps those people who have exhausted themselves and have no time to rest.

Ruby Raw Crystal

Ruby encourages passion and a zest for life. It improves motivation and setting of realistic goals. Balances the heart and instills confidence. Ruby encourages joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage.

It promotes positive dreams and stimulates the pineal gland. Aids in retaining wealth and passion. Ruby encourages removal of negative energies from your path. It overcomes exhaustion and lethargy and imparts potency and vigor. It calms hyperactivity. In the Indian Vedic astrology it is associated with the planet sun.

Ruby detoxifies the body, blood and lymphatic system. It treats fevers, infectious disease and restricted blood flow. Ruby stimulates the adrenals, kidneys, reproductive organs and spleen.

Green Kyanite Raw Blades

Green Kyanite aligns all of the Chakras, but it is most known for its ability to balance the Heart Chakra. It helps one heal through the connection to nature by absorbing energy from the Earth.

Green Kyanite is known to aid the ability of channeling information from nature spirits. By connecting the Heart Chakra with the Third Eye, it allows one to connect with their inherent wisdom and grounding it to the physical plane. Green Kyanite never holds negative energy and clears negative energy of other stones, spaces and people.

Green Kyanite helps one look within the heart of another to see what truly motivates them. It would be very useful for therapists and psychic readers. It helps look through the person’s actions and words to view who they are beneath the surface to reveal their true nature.

Green Kyanite opens the High Heart Chakra.

Orange Kyanite Raw Blades

Orange Kyanite has an uplifting and optimistic energy. It is an excellent energy tool. While it will align all the chakras, it is particularly good for clearing, activating and balancing the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra and solar plexus chakra. It hooks out other peoples energy which has been attached to you.

It can help us perceive the root of our pleasures and desires and bring Light and creativity to bring them into our lives in a positive manner. Orange Kyanite is a super tool to enhance all types of creativity, whether it is in creating art, the way you work with people, or any other place creative thinking is used.

The energy of Orange Kyanite is unlimited in application, making it one of the very best attunement stones. It aligns the emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual and subtle bodies. Orange Kyanite is a great grounding stone that grounds spiritual energy and balances the yin/yang energies.

This is a great stone for Artist/Musicians, or anyone that is drawn into something that allows for self-expression, as it encourages one to share their work with others.

It will never absorb negative energy. Therefore, Orange Kyanite will never need cleansing.

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